3rd New Jersey and Civil War Articles

The One Armed Devil
The life of Philip Kearny, and his role in the Civil War.
What did the Soldier Think (And Why Did He Fight)?
The Civil war soldier's state of mind and driving forces to fight.
Recruiting and Re-enacting!
About Re-enacting with The Third New Jersey. How to get involved.
Who Was the Civil War Federal Soldier?
Ages and backgrounds of the typical Civil war soldier.
What Did the Soldier Do in His Leisure Time?
Typical pastime activities of the Civil War soldier.
The Graves Project: Finding Veterans of the Third
Locating the graves of the former members of the 3rd New Jersey Volunteer Infantry.
Civilians of the 3rd New Jersey
Civilian supporters of the 3rd New Jersey. How to get involved.
The Role of the Chaplain
Not only for spirituality. The many helpful duties and services provided by the chaplain.